
46. And it came to pass after three days, they found Jesus in the temple sitting in the middle of the teachers and listening to them and asking them questions. 47. And all who heard him were astonished at his understanding and his answers.

Luke 2: 46-47

In the Bible there are a number of astonishing accounts. For example, when Jesus appears in the fiery furnace as the Fourth Man. The King of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, is astonished as to power of Jesus to protect and preserve the three young Hebrews. The same heat that had killed Babylonian guards, Jesus turned into a cool breeze (Daniel 3). For Jesus it was like turning water into wine! He is LORD over science.

Isaiah 52:14 reveals 600 years in advance before Good Friday how the people watching Jesus' on the cross were astonished as to what was happening. Not only were they stunned that He who walked on water, stilled the storms, and raised the dead was now nailed to this tree, they were astonished that Jesus' was going through so much pain that He was to the human eye disfigured so badly he was unrecognizable.

Imagine the astonishment of the children of Israel when Jesus caused the Red Sea to split, the wide walls of water to conceal, and the ground to dry. And imagine the astonishment when Jesus caused the waters to collapse taking out the whole Egyptian army plus Pharaoh.

Astonishment--Jesus brings to the world not only Salvation but He astonishes people profoundly. His cousin John said that he, John, was not worthy to unstrap the sandals of his cousin. In today's Gospel from Luke Jesus leaves an august audience of Israel's premier rabbis amazed at His PROFOUND grasp of the Bible. These were some of the most learned men in history. They are astonished at depth of His knowledge of the Bible. Even at age 12, Jesus has His sights set on the cross.

The account of Luke is double precious because it is the only account we have of the childhood of Jesus. The last account of Jesus in Jerusalem was when Mary and Joseph brought Him to the temple offering up as a sacrifice two turtledoves. Jesus was only 40 days old. They took the "Infant Temple" (Jesus) to the Temple at 40 days. Now, another Biblical number, at age 12 Jesus is at the temple of Jerusalem fulfilling the Law--present at the Passover Festival. In 21 years, He would BE the very Passover Lamb of God--come Good Friday!!!

Imagine having THAT heavy hanging over your head. You know at age 12 that when you are 33 you will be despised, rejected, whipped, abandoned by loved ones and even God upon the cross. Yet Jesus moves ahead in good cheer seeing the end even at the beginning.

The festival lasted 7 days, but only two days were obligatory. Mary and Joseph evidently went back to Nazareth earlier, while Jesus remained in Jerusalem. Bear in mind that Jerusalem, with all the guests, would swell up during the Passover. It normally was a city of 20,000 to 30,000 people and would balloon up to 150,000 during Passover.

So when Mary and Joseph realize Jesus is missing from their caravan, they hasten to Jerusalem and it takes three days to find Jesus. On the third day they find Jesus. There He was. Seated among the most brilliant of Israel's thinkers. As they watched what was going on they realized these rabbis were thoroughly taken, amazed, astonished at the questions Jesus was raising and the points he was making.

After this epiphany, perhaps during a break in discussion, for women were not allowed to enter into this kind of a courtyard discussion, Mary pulls Jesus aside. Mary: "Young man, where you have you been? We have been looking everywhere for three days. We were half out of our minds looking for you, high and low. What have you done to us?"

Jesus said to them, "Why is it that you were seeking me? Did you not know that it was necessary that I am among the things of my Father?"

That was for them a "blue bayou" response, one that would blow by them yet Mary remembered the words. It was Jesus' way of saying that His destiny was Jerusalem. It is here He will one day pay for the sins of the world. Be crucified. AND rise from the dead. He knew even then!

Luke records that Mary and Joseph did not understand Jesus' very first recorded words in the New Testament. This would be a theme for His whole life. Even though He was the most clear, excellent speaker the World had ever seen, He was also the most misunderstood. Ironic.

Simeon, nearly twelve years earlier when Jesus was brought to the temple, predicted that Jesus would be the most misunderstood of people but little did Mary and Joseph think that they would be part of that prediction.

I must be in my Father's home Jesus was deftly darkly alluding to His future death on the cross and rising from the dead for the life of the world. He was also signifying the crucial role of the Mt. Zion here on earth, the Church, where faith is bestowed through His means of grace. (Hebrews 12:22). Thanks for today being about the Father's business!​